Immediate Gratification

There was a little girl who had a little curl...right in the middle of her forhead. And when she was good, she was very very good...but when she was bad she was horrid.

Location: Boca Raton, Florida, United States

Mother. Sister. Daughter. Friend. Lover.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Never a Dull Moment

Since I broke up with Him - even though I thought men were on the wwwwaaaaayyyyy bottom of my to do list - I have a whole new batch of stories to add to the saga that is my love life. What's it been? A month? Man, can I do a lot of damage in short time. Where to begin...where to begin?

Man #1 will be affectionately referred to as "Soul Patch".
Man #2 will sadly be referred to as "So Close".

Soul Patch was red flags from day one. A little distant. Still married. Going through a very ugly divorce. But who insisted he is "so over it". Over it, maybe. Ready, nope. I had met him a few times before through mutual friends, and I was super attracted to him. So, against my better judgment we met for drinks (I think we drank somewhere around a dozen Ketle One on the rocks between the two of us), which - big surprise - turned into a wild fuck fest. And yes, he rocked my world. It was one of those scenarios where we were so hot for each other only half our clothes came off, and where not an inch of the bed was left untussled (tussled, is that a word?). We actually rolled off the bed and landed on the floor a couple of times. But - and there is always a but - he is sooooo not ready. Great sex...lotsa laughs...bad timing. Dammit I hate when that happens. Oh well. Next.

I had high hopes for So Close. He was exactly my type. Tall, not thin, goatee, liked to party. We chatted. We talked. We went out. We had a great time. We talked like two old friends. Chemistry, definite chemistry. Now, I believe that since there are so few quality people out there, if you meet someone you like who likes you, there is no need to play games, self-debate about when its appropriate to call, or wait a specified period of time before seeing each other again. So, in the morning (yes, I spent the night), I said just that to him and asked when we could see each other again. I wasn't exactly prepared for his response...So Close had a date like 12 hours later, and it wasn't with me. Yikes!...ok, now that threw me for a loop. Not that he was doing anything wrong, because in reality we had only been out once, and who was I to be offended that he was going to meet someone else the very same day? But it somehow felt like rejection - and boy do I hate rejection. And because Stacy's World is either Black or White, that just had to mean that he must not like me all that much. So I did what any red-blooded sociopath would do, and I brazenly expressed my displeasure that he would dare not consider us exclusive after knowing each other for five full minutes. Ahhh, yeah. That went over real big with him. Next. be continued.


Blogger Mother of Invention said...

So Close is hard to read at this stage..can't rule him out..that date with the next babe might have been a real loser...and he couldn't exactly cancel on her that day...well, maybe! That's what I did when I met a guy that I knew I'd rather be with..but I was only 20!

Gotta believe in fate I least you're putting yourself out there and not afraid to do that...I'd be paranoid after being married for 26 years!

12:37 PM  
Blogger Caterina said...

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4:31 PM  
Blogger Caterina said...

Ooops, I meant to leave a comment....

I hope you were not offended by my comments over at Plant's page. I was not trying to attack you at all (I'm sorry if I did). Instead, I was just trying to encourage him to keep dating. I think he can use the positive encouragement.

You, on the other hand, seem to be doing just fine in the dating area....maybe a bit more tough skinned? :-)

I'm enjoying reading your stuff.

4:33 PM  
Blogger Eatapeach said...

Absolutely no offense taken, Cat. As a matter of fact, I think I was too hard on Todd. He really is a fantastic guy, and there is no doubt in my mind that he will find "the one". I think its because I care so much about him that I get so frustrated with him. But he is an ultra sensitive person, and I should tenor my comments accordingly.

8:55 PM  

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